Disadvantages Of Virtual Medical Scribing

Teleradiology at Sniper Solutions.

The transfer of radiological images from one location to another for the purpose of interpretation by radiologists is termed Teleradiology.

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Disadvantages Of Virtual Medical Scribing

Can AI replace human medical transcription services in the foreseeable future?

The world has AI, there is no denying it.It is used for its advantages and already we have witnessed application and integration of AI in numerous fields which we couldn't have imagined before.

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Disadvantages Of Virtual Medical Scribing

Evolution of Tools Used in Medical Transcription

Medical documentation becoming a mandatory part of the healthcare industry necessitated the development of medical transcription and slowly it evolved as a sub-industry providing services under the healthcare sector.

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Future of Patient Engagement

Pros of using Medical Transcription for medical documentation

Increased patient satisfaction with the healthcare provider since the doctors provide full attention to the patient and are not distracted by the necessity to key in vital information during the patient meeting itself.

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Future of Patient Engagement

Future of Patient Engagement

With technological advancements in the healthcare industry and patients becoming more willing to be engaged in self-healthcare

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Means of improving Patient Retention

Means of improving Patient Retention.

Any patient returning to seek medical care from the same provider after the initial visit and continuing to do so until the end of treatment requirement is referred to as successful patient retention or patient loyalty.

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Disadvantages Of Virtual Medical Scribing

What is Patient Retention?

Patient Retention means a patient decides to return to the same healthcare provider to seek guidance in healthcare after the initial visit and continues to do so until medical care is required.

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How to ensure good patient engagement

How to ensure good patient engagement?

Healthcare organizations around the world are moving towards patient engagement

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Patient Engagement - A Brief Insight

Patient Engagement - A Brief Insight.

The concept of Patient Engagement strives to keep patients well informed about their health condition

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Growth of Telemedicine in different medical specialties

Growth of Telemedicine in Different Medical Specialties

Telemedicine is a term used to represent different technologies to deliver medical services including remote patient monitoring

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Creation of Medical Documents with Dictations by Medical Transcription Services.

Creation of Medical Documents with Dictations by Medical Transcription Services.

Undenied that medical documentation is vital for the healthcare industry, over the years, it has tested various methods of getting it done.

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Real Time Data Recording and Its Benefits

Real-Time Data Recording and Its Benefits

Creating medical records during patient visits or as close to it as possible by physicians or documenting assistants is commonly referred to as Real-Time Data recording.

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Limitations of Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Transcription Industry

Limitations of Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Transcription Industry.

Medical documentation is undeniably a part of the healthcare industry and it has witnessed numerous changes over the years.

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Disadvantages Of Virtual Medical Scribing

Disadvantages Of Virtual Medical Scribing

A virtual medical scribe accompanies a provider during patient visits from a remote offsite location. The virtual scribe views the visit through a computer screen or listens to the visit over the phone

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Pros of Virtual Medical Scribing

Pros of Virtual Medical Scribing

A virtual medical scribe accompanies a provider during patient visits from a remote offsite location. The virtual scribe views the visit through a computer screen or listens to the visit over the phone.

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Optimal Working

Optimal working skills of medical scribes

Globally, though not any particular educational qualification is necessary for Medical Scribes, some basic education with a good workable knowledge of the English language is mandatory.

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Changing Service Trend of Medical Scribes

Changing Service Trend of Medical Scribes

Healthcare personnel employed for the purpose of creating medical documents of patients on behalf of doctors are referred to as medical scribes or transcriptionists.

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Adapting To New Technologies In The Medical Transcription Industry

Adapting To New Technologies In The Medical Transcription Industry

The advancement in technologies has necessitated that medical transcriptionists adapt to them in an ever-evolving medical documentation records upkeep technique.

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Evolution of Medical Transcription Services

Evolution of Medical Transcription Services

The process of medical treatments given to patients has been documented since the early ages to record findings in a quest to find solutions for human ailments.

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Usage Of Telemedicine In Different  Medical Specialities Of Healthcare

Usage of Telemedicine in Different Medical Specialities of Healthcare

Telemedicine is a term used to represent different technologies to deliver medical services including.

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Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Healthcare uses artificial intelligence in various processes involved in day-to-day healthcare provision.

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Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

In a world influenced by artificial intelligence in all fields, healthcare is not an exception.

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A Process in Claims Denial Management - Prevent

A Process in Claims Denial Management - Prevent.

Claims submitted to insurance companies oftentimes get rejected due to errors.

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Manage - A process in Claims Denial Management

Claims Denial Management - Monitor.

Insurance companies oftentimes reject the claims submitted to them due to errors present in them and these errors are given specific codes to denote the reason for the denial.

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Manage - A process in Claims Denial Management

Manage - A process in Claims Denial Management

Claims denial management attempts to eliminate the reasons leading to denials in medical claims.

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The process involved in Claims Denial Management - Identification

The process involved in Claims Denial Management - Identification.

Claims submitted to insurance companies oftentimes get rejected due to errors.

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An insight into Claims Denial Management

An insight into Claims Denial Management

Denial management attempts to eliminate the reasons leading to denials in medical claims. Moreover, denial management

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Disadvantages of Multipoint Virtual Care

Disadvantages of Multipoint Virtual Care

Virtual Care is rightfully here to stay because of its undeniable advantages. Healthcare systems around the world have begun implementing

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Non Clinical Documentation

What is Non-Clinical Documentation?

Documents that contain information that is vital for patient care are called Medical Documents. These can be Clinical or Non-Clinical

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Transformations In The Healthcare Industry

Transformations in the Healthcare Industry.

Today’s Healthcare industry not only uses technology for the digitalization of health records but also for the processes involved in

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Hybrid Health Care

What is Hybrid Health Care?

Hybrid healthcare is a combination of care provided Virtually and Physically. This method of healthcare, since its inception, has evolved

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Pros And Cons of Telemedicine

Pros and Cons of Telemedicine:

Any technology has its advantages and disadvantages. This applies to telehealth too. Some of the prominent advantages are Very profitable

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Clinical Documentation

What is Clinical Documentation?

A detailed recording of a medical treatment, medical trial, or a clinical test is called Clinical Documentation. it may be

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Barriers In Providing Telehealth Care

Barriers in providing Telehealth Care

Telehealth is the use of digital Information and Communication technology to access healthcare services remotely, with the use of computers

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Genetic Conditions

Pediatric Telehealth Care for Genetic Conditions

After the recent COVID pandemic, it has been established that telehealth can be used for treating patients with acute and

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Telemedicine Child

Telemedicine in Pediatrics

“The delivery of healthcare services, where distance is a critical factor, by all healthcare professionals using information and communication technologies

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Healthcare of Senior Citizens

Role of Virtual Care in Healthcare of Senior Citizens

The lifespan of human beings has increased multifold due to the advancement in healthcare. The way healthcare organizations function to

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Rtls Health Care

RTLS in Healthcare

RTLS is Real-time location system which are basically tracking devices. It helps to track both people and objects and it

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Artificial Intelligence In Patient Treatment

Future of Artificial Intelligence in Patient Treatment

AI is the future of the healthcare industry and it has already proved its usefulness. AI can interpret large amounts

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Ai Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

In recent years, AI has influenced the healthcare industry in the most significant way and has provided positive transformation in

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Electronic Protected Health Information

What is PHI?

PHI denotes Protected Health Information of patients. This also includes e-PHI which is Electronic Protected Health Information. These are health

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What is HIPAA?

HIPAA is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is the standard adhered to for maintaining patient privacy. Implementing the

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Patient Care

Patient Care at home post-COVID

At-home patient care or Hospital-at-Home, as it is commonly known, though has been prevalent before, post-COVID, it has been widely

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Store Forward

Telehealth – Store and Forward

The use of various telecommunication technologies to provide healthcare or assist in it is Telehealth. Telehealth has grown in leaps

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Telehealth – Remote Patient Monitoring

The use of technology to provide healthcare from a distance is Telehealth. Computers or mobile phones with cameras are used

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Mobile Health

Telehealth – Mobile Health/mHealth

Any form of communication technology used for the purpose of providing health to patients is called Telehealth. Telehealth has various

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Telehealth Livevideo

Telehealth – Live Video

The use of various telecommunication technologies to provide or assist in healthcare is Telehealth. Telehealth has grown in leaps and

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What is Telehealth?

The use of technology to provide healthcare from a distance is Telehealth. Computers, mobile phones, or any such gadgets with

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Patient Engagement

Patient Engagement and Improved healthcare

When patients are involved in their treatment process by engaging more with their providers and healthcare team to better understand

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thumb image

Role of RPM in healthcare

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is an extension of telehealth and home care. It includes one or more devices which help

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Ehr Emr

EHR, EMR and their differences

The difference between EHRs and EMRs can be quite confusing as many times they are used interchangeably and also since

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Emr Record

Electronic Medical Records and its Uses

EMRs or electronic medical records are records pertaining to an individual’s health. These are in a digitised format instead of

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Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records and its advantages

Electronic health records or EHR as they are referred to, are records of all information of patients maintained in a

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Medical Transcription

Medical transcription and its future

A physician makes voice notes of the treatment that he has provided to patients for the purpose of transcribing it

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Medical Record

Medical records and Its Importance

Medical records have to be maintained regularly and accurately because patients’ treatment is planned accordingly and in turn, their health

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Data Entry

What is Data Entry?

Using an electronic device, mostly computers, to record and store relevant information is called Data Entry. Though it is time-consuming,

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Telehealth Nursing

What is Telenursing?

Nurses are irreplaceable and a strong pillar in the healthcare industry. In recent years, similar to Telemedicine, Telenursing or Telehealth

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Medicare Insurance

What is CMS in medical billing?

In the US, an agency was established to govern the various medical care programs that were in existence by the

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Telemedicine And Uses

An insight into Telemedicine and its uses

The World Health Organisation defines Telemedicine as “The delivery of healthcare services, where distance is a critical factor, by all

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Medical Charts

What are medical charts?

Documentation of a patient’s clinical data and medical history is done in all healthcare practices. These are called medical charts

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Medical Documentation

What is Medical Documentation?

In the medical service industry, recording information about patients is the norm. It is done to keep track of all

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Medical Billing Report

What is reporting in medical billing?

In medical billing, reports are vital since it helps healthcare practices analyse and understand how financially healthy their practices are.

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Accounts Receivable

What is AR follow up?

Management of accounts receivable is vital since it helps medical practices to maximize revenues. AR management follows up claims made

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What is Precharting?

Medicines cure diseases, but only doctors can cure patients – Carl Jung. We, at Sniper Solutions, help doctors do their

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Denial Management

What is Denial Management?

On account of errors in the claims submitted, some claims get rejected. In these cases, billers have to analyse the

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Medical Coder

Who is a medical coder?

A medical coder converts physicians’ reports to medical codes. Also known as a clinical coding officer, diagnostic officer etc, a

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Healthcare Coding

What is healthcare coding?

Healthcare coding is the process of translating important medical information into simple codes to document medical records and accuracy in

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Payment Posting

What is Payment Posting?

Payment posting gives us an overview of payments and a medical practice’s financial picture. It speeds up the process of

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Medical Claim

What is Claims Submission?

Claims submission is a vital part of medical billing since healthcare providers’ collection of their dues depends on this. A

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Patient Eligibility Benefits Coverage

What is Eligibility and Benefits Verification?

Prior to patient visits, healthcare providers check the patient’s eligibility and benefits coverage. This process is called eligibility and benefits

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Pre Authorization Well Trained Professionals Min

What is Pre-authorization?

Authorization obtained to cover the prescribed services by the payer before the services are rendered is called pre-authorization. The approval

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Patient Calling

What is patient calling?

Medical billers must have a thorough knowledge not only of billing and coding but also of the costs of various

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Revenue Management

What is Revenue Cycle Management?

It is necessary for healthcare facilities from large hospitals to small practices to manage the administrative and clinical functions that

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Medical Billing

What is Medical Billing?

A medical biller submits claims and follows up on the claims with health insurance companies in order to make payments

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